Week 6: Verellen "Pricless Art"


Project the article and click the "Listen” button if you want the story read for you. 

Have a brief discussion on the classes interpretation of "priceless”


Show this video after the short discussion and have a final discussion on the value of forged artworks.


Dismiss with an EXIT TICKET.

Is a forgery as valuable as an original work of art?  YES/NO    Why?



  • Reading Day


  • Intervention Day
  • No assignments to complete?  READ

Friday  Spin Doctor Minute to Win It

  • Watch video Spin Doctor 

    1.Have class pair off and spin/stop

    2.Teacher will verify a valid stop

    3.Record the number of stops

    4.Most stops wins

Última modificación: martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014, 11:31